Soccer Analysis Dashboard

Penalty Direction Prediction Demo

Interactive demo of penalty direction prediction

Penalty Direction Statistics

Distribution of penalty kick directions (Total: 3,540 penalties)


Penalty Direction Prediction Methodology

Overview of the approach used for predicting penalty directions

  1. Problem Definition: Predict penalty shot direction (left or right) based on various features.
  2. Dataset Analysis: 3,540 entries, slightly unbalanced (59.7% left, 40.3% right).
  3. Metrics: F1 Score and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC).
  4. Data Splitting: 64% training, 16% validation, 20% testing.
  5. Model Selection: Tested Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and SVM.

Model Performance on Validation Set

Comparison of different models' performance

ModelF1 ScoreMCC
Logistic Regression0.100.014
Random Forest0.36-0.003
Gradient Boosting0.350.045
Support Vector Classifier0.000.000

Best Model Performance (Random Forest)

Test set performance of the selected model

The Random Forest model was selected based on its performance on the validation set.

F1 Score




These results suggest that further improvements could be made through hyperparameter tuning, feature engineering, or more advanced models.